November 26, 2013

Geeks & Nerds

In the past probably geeks and nerds weren't so popular as are today, but since we love to put a label on anything and everyone and also like to explore different options, many researchers has come to the conclusion that beside metrosexual, retrosexual and othersexual kind of men there is a not so new species of men, geeks, that are super hot. Of course we can say many women are geek too but our lovely men were always our favorite subject to debate and label in categories.

I don't know about you guys but I have a few sides that constantly batles to reach the surface of my style and I know my geek/dork side sometimes reaches out and I simply feel like sexy is so overrated when you can have that feeling of being a nerd teenager. I am no longer a teenager as I recently made 23 years old but I enjoy remembering my youth and my past and I hope this memories won't fade away because we need them to feel our soul young and clean.

Geeks & Nerds is a new event that started on 24 november and it will last two weeks, today I am showing you just a few decor items because my 8th mouse in almost three years decide to break on me so it's very difficult to work on my pics without one but in the next posts I will showcase some of the cutest outfits from this fair. Oh and before I forget, scroll down for The Geeky Meme by Strawberry Singh !

Living Room

Trompe Loeil Frostbite Cottage Blue (snow version)
Trompe Loeil Color Dresser 2 Drawer - Dark
Trompe Loeil Industrial Chandelier Tall
Cheeky Pea Quinn Sofa @Fameshed
Cheeky Pea Quinn Chair Emerald @Fameshed
Cheeky Pea Voronoi Table @Fameshed
Floorplan Greek Tri-lamb Pennant @Geeks & Nerds
Floorplan Tea Leaves Teacup @Geeks & Nerds
Floorplan Winter Is Coming Blocks @Geeks & Nerds
Second Spaces Geeky Busted Monitor @Geeks & Nerds
Second Spaces Geeky Penholder Loose Keys @Geeks & Nerds
Second Spaces Geeky Old School Game Cartridges @Geeks & Nerds
Second Spaces Geeky Game Controllers @Geeks & Nerds
Second Spaces Geeky Powerstrip Two w/wires @Geeks & Nerds
Second Spaces Geeky Loose Cables @Geeks & Nerds
Zinnia's Houseplant
Zinnia's Decorative Guitar
Zinnia's Dracenea
Zigana Rug 
c( TC ) GameCat - Pink @Geeks & Nerds
The Secret Store -  8 Bits Frames @Geeks & Nerds
Tama Lil White Tiger @Shoetopia
Tama Lil Brown Teddy @Shoetopia
Dutchie Laundry Basket

Here are the definitions wich Berry found:

Geek (n.)- Someone who is smart, enjoys video games, comic books, being on the internet, etc… and usually has a passion or hobby that they obsess over.

Nerd (n.)- A socially awkward person with a very high IQ. They gain pleasure from amassing large quantities of knowledge about subjects often too detailed or complicated for most other people.

Dork (n.)- Someone who is a bit socially awkward, has odd interests and is often clumsy. Dorks are typically more noted for their quirky personality.

1.What do you consider yourself to be? Geek? Nerd? Dork? None of the above? All of the above?  I am pretty much a combination of dork and geek, though I wish I were a little nerd too. I admire smart people.

2.What was the first computer you ever owned?  486

3.When and how did you first get on the internet? I was 11 or 12 years old I think and a friend took me to an Internet Caffe and showed me some kind of social media like messenger combined with facebook but way basic then this ones, it was called mirk and you could chatt with strangers. 

4.Which geek fandom do you subscribe to? I like Harry Potter but I am not obssesed and I don't subscribe. I just like it like any other kind of movies.

5.Star Trek or Star Wars? I saw Star Wars and the two new movies about Star Trek but like Harry Potter, I like them as movies not as a huge fan.

6.How Geeky Are You?  This is my result: 45 % Geek -" You’re just “meh” with technology. One minute smugly downloading a cool new smartphone app to show off, the next staring in despair at the Microsoft Word help system to write a simple letter." Kind of true :D


Dutchie Linen Room Cabinets With Accessories
Dutchie Broom 
Dutchie Rug Beater 
Dutchie Bucket With Mop 
Dutchie Plumeau 
Dutchie Scrub Brush
Dutchie Ironing Board
Dutchie  Drying Rack
Zinnia's Zoom Spray Bottle
Zinnia's Sponge
Zinnia's Harvest Pumpkins
Lark Baking Tins


  1. Love the pictures, your home looks so cozy. Thanks so much for participating. <3

  2. Dorks unite! Love the way you arranged the items in the pictures btw. <3

    1. Thank you Berry , in this moment I am a real dork cause I can't find the right words when it comes to thanking for your kind words <3
