One thing that I love beside fashion in SL is that I am able to put some of my toughts here otherwise I would keep them in me till I explode. Of course I would love to be more talented and know how to put my toughts in actual words but for the moment it's pretty good as it is.
1. First SL Friend: It was Georgia and two crazy neko girls who owned the club I was talking about in Procrastination Meme. They don't log in anymore.
2. First SL Kiss: I can think as hard and deep but I can't remember.
3 First Slex time/place/partner: Aren't you too nosy Miss Berry? I am not going to share that but I will say I only did it once. So I probably got my virginity in SL back :))
4. First SL Partner/Girlfriend/Boyfriend/Wife/Husband: I can't remember wich was my first boyfriend, actually I did flirt a lot back but I never use the words "boyfriend/girlfriend". As for my first partner it was last year in this period I think but only lasted a few weeks ( I get bored easily ) and also I never made a wedding or so. I find it a little ridiculous.
5. First SL Job: I worked as a host at Kitty Kat Klub owned by look #1. :))
6. First SL Creation: I made a witch hat in pink lol. After that I never created anything else, I suck at this.
7. First encounter with a Linden: Never meat one.
8. First encounter with a Slebrity: In February 2013 I meat in person the one and only you. I was so excited that I mostly stand there and watch like a dork. I didn't dare to say something!
9. First SL Sim you fell in love with: It was Izzie's !
10. First SL Blog Post: Oh gosh ! Do I really need to make myself ashamed of my bad skills? Ok here it is my very first post.
I adore this horse <3 and it's available at Pose Fair
Izzie's Asia - Light
Izzie's Lipstick - Raspberry
Fake Cateye Makeup
Insufferable Dastard Light Eyes - BlueGreen
Truth Zendaya - Oasis
Jane Cherry Bomb Top
Ducknipple Laura Shorts - Dark
Fanatik Salina Boots
Fanatik Tyrolia Vintage Bangle
DDL Azhfey Earrings ( Free )
Slink Mesh Hands - Elegant & Gesture
Izzie's Hands & Nail Hud ( only for Slink mesh hands )
Captivity Co. Mesh Horse Love at Pose Fair
Yeah I am totally nosy, sorry about that! LOL But it was fun reading everyone's reactions to that question hahahaha. Also, I am so not a slebrity but next time say hi! :P <3