April 12, 2014

Truth & Mutresse Giveaway !

I started to think about giving something back to my readers so that made me think to a giveaway contest. I tought maybe I should wait for a special day like bloggaversarry or rezzday but everyday is a special day when I see my blog growing so beautiful. 

I went to buy gift cards from two of my favorite stores, at Truth because each girl needs gorgeous hairstyle and Mutresse a store I can't praise enough about their awesome mesh clothes and shoes,one of my favorite in Second Life. I have one Truth Gift Card with 500 L$ and one Mutresse Gift Card with 500 L$ for one lucky winner. 

All you have to do to enter this contest is to leave a comment bellow with your name and tell me what do you like/dislike on my blog or what would you like to see more in the future on Cosmopolitan. 
It is a symbolic prize but I will try to do this from time to time to show you my gratitude and my love. 
To be fair and square to each participant I will input the names on http://www.random.org/lists/ and on Sunday, 20th April the site will choose a winner. 
This giveaway is my first and so far it makes me very happy and excited !
Also you can like my Facebook Page ( it's not mandatory ) or maybe add me on any of my social media pages to get to know eachother better:

With love, Roxi Bluewood !


  1. I think you have a well rounded blog that features things from all over second life and you manage to tie it all in very fashionably. I also like the fact that you don't just blog about your blog but, also give out information that is useful on others blogs as well. Thanks so much for being bold enough to be you and share your SL.

  2. Hello there!
    First of all, I'm a big fan of Mutresse too! hehe
    Your blog it's lovely and the high quality photography it's a must.
    It's easy find the store due the SLurl, in my opinion I always prefer the SLurl than just the name of the creator.
    Like a blogger as well, I know how can be hard match RL and SL duttys, but would be awesome if you update your blog more often :)

    Love, Isis Feden <3

  3. Your blog is easy to read and the layout is good.

    I like your popular posts to the side as that adds some color to the page and leads people onward. However when I clicked on them I got very old post *wink* because there were so few of them :D.

    So first on my list, if I were you, would be to make a commitment to post more often. Twice a week would be good . And until you can get your post numbers higher and more regular, there isn't much point in having advertising spots in the sidebar (sorry but I am pretty much anti advertising for blogs in general).

    It is very good to have your archives on the side as it shows you have been around awhile. Just keep at it and try to write a little more often. There is LOTS going on!

    Best of success to you.

  4. I really like your blog, It's super easy to read. The photos are just beautiful and I love how great the shadowing comes out in them. I also love how you add a little bit of your thoughts about the items you blog. I was so happy to also see that you you added links to the places where the items could be found it makes it so much easier on every one than trying to hunt down these shops.

    I cant really say that there is anything I would change about your posts to be honest, they are all just lovely.

    Best of luck with your blog and I can't wait to see what you post in the future.
    ~LaiLaniLove Resident

  5. Hi, I agree with the comments above, particularly about posting more often! I love that you take the time to put urls for all items - as a blogger myself, I know this can be a bit of a chore, but I really appreciate it when I visit blogs who have done this, as you have. I also like that your photos are clear and colourful. I would agree with Chic though about the advertising spots on the left, I personally find that a bit off putting and I think it detracts from the look of your blog.

    Good luck, and I hope to see you posting more often!

  6. Hi!
    This is the first time I've seen your blog, but as someone who looks at a lot of them I have certain things I like to see. I like having a slurl that's clickable, and you have that. I like having it so that it's clear what store the slurl goes to, its not just showing a string on a page, because as someone who is into web design, having things neat and clear is huge for me. you've done all of that. but then most importantly, the images. I HATE HATE HATE over processed images where you get the product and it looks nothing like the picture. YOUR blog seems to have been designed to clearly show a product, without enhancing it to the point of lying about it which i LOVE. on the other side, i think advertising is slightly off putting for me unless you actually have something there, it makes it seem almost.. unfinished. also, having a review policy is good but it seems like it might be better placed on your profile or something. I did really love the information in the informations tab, although I think changing the name of the tab might make it clearer what is there, I didn't expect that what was there would be such cool stuff! I thought it might be contact info etc XD.the advertising tab again is somewhat in the same vein as the review policy, it feels like "backend stuff" that isnt something a casual reader of your blog necessarily is looking for to the point that it should be a major tab.. but honestly your content is well done, well organized and intuitive, and your pictures are clear, they are the biggest draw for me. I'll be coming back for sure!

    Tersa Beverly

  7. Your photos are great! I wish my graphics card would take better pictures. The blog layout is nice and clean, maybe it could use a little more splash of color? I dunno I'm not good at criticism haha and it is *your* blog and it should reflect your personality, so you should do what you want with it. :D

  8. It is certainly a good start. It has a very clean look to it and your posts are easy to read with nice images. I would definitely run some of these permanent posts (Advertise, Information) through a spell check as there are a number of misspellings. Also I don't believe I have ever seen the word "information" end with the letter "s," but I certainly could be wrong (Top Tab.) I had no idea people charged for advertisement space on a blog, so I learn something new every day. BTW your Feed link for Fashion Victim goes to - Dog DNA Test Reviews and Glamour SL - goes to GlamourSL, which has nothing to do with Second Life and Fashion in Pixels is a dead link - I think I need to go check mine now to make sure they are updated... haven't done that in a while. Great personality in this blog and I look forward to seeing more.

  9. I like your style! It's beautiful,it's unique .You everytime surprise us with nice posts,keep going with your work .I'm visiting your blog and i'm happy to see new styles every day.
    Great work and photos,keep doing what you love the most ! <3

  10. First of all I want to thank you everyone because you gave me such a positive feedback but also for pointing out some things I haven't done right, I really appreciate your honest opinions. Also I am happy to know that you want to see more activity on my blog and I will do my best to acomplish this. My thing is quality over quantity and often quality takes more time.

    This being said here is our winner:

    I wish you all a Happy Easter and again a big thank you for your honesty and kindness !
    Congratulations to Guinevere Kirshnere ! I am going to drop you the prize and I hope you enjoy it :)
